News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

Electric Heaters Vs. Electric Radiators: Differences

Shopping for an alternative to your old central heating system can be tough, especially if you’re new to electric heating systems. At some point, you’ll come across offers such as ‘energy-efficient electric radiators from £199.99’. On the other hand, you’ll see websites advertising electric heaters for as little as £99. They may not be ‘energy efficient heaters’, but you can’t turn a blind eye to the fact, that they are available for almost half of the price of electric radiators. So, what’s the catch?

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Traditional Style Radiators

Are you interested in an electric radiator, but worried it won’t match your vintage living room or Victorian-style kitchen? It’s a perfectly valid reason to be worried. But can you enjoy the benefits of electric heating whilst keeping the harmony in your living spaces? Let’s find out! 

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Why Choose Electric Heating?

At Electric Radiators Direct, we truly believe that electric heating is the future. Our parents and grandparents might remember the days when electric heating was an expensive alternative to central gas heating, which might’ve been true at the time. Nowadays, electric radiators leave their competition behind when it comes to programmability, instalment and freedom of choice. So, what makes us believe that making a transition to electricity will be your best decision?

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How to Heat Up Your Hallways, Staircases and Landings

Your hallway is ultimately the first and last place you, your family and your guests inhabit when you come and go on your everyday business. It is also unavoidable when you wander around your house, downstairs and upstairs, countless times during the day. And whilst you don’t exactly sit around in your hallway, it is important that you’re able to keep it adequately warm during the colder months, for example now. You don’t want to be hit by a breeze of cold air once you step inside after a long day at work, and you definitely don’t want a poorly heated staircase to affect your living room or kitchen throughout the evening.

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Advantages of Our Electric Panel Heaters

Electric radiators are without doubt the best primary heating solution available on the market thanks to their innovative and economical energy saving features. However, some rooms can benefit from an electric heater. Whilst a radiator should serve as your primary source of heating, an electric panel heater does a great job at delivering on-demand heat. It is also a great alternative for rooms you use infrequently, such as guest bedrooms or conservatories. 

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Can I Make My House Warm Up Faster?

I’m sure we all share that mutual feeling of coming home from work, ridiculously tired, swearing at the cold wind and fantasizing about our warm and cosy beds, only to find out that our house… is even colder than the outdoors. This leads us to some drastic decisions and important questions such as ‘will turning my thermostat up really high make my house warm up faster?’.

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Why is Electric Heating Better for Senior Citizens?

Winter can be a lovely time. All the snowball fights, decorations, festivals, snowman building with friends and of course our beloved Christmas. But it can also be a dangerous season. We are either the ones constantly nagging about or dismissing the idea of dressing up warmly before going outside. Although it is true that British winter is not as harsh as it is towards east, for example in Germany, it shouldn’t be taken lightly, yet most of us still assume the worst case scenario is getting a cold. However, the actual risk to our health posed by the cold is much more serious.

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How to Fix Wall-Mounted Radiators on Stud Walls

Are you concerned about fixing your electric heater on a stud wall? Worry no more! Whether you’ve recently added a stud wall to your house and one of your rooms is left without heating, or you’re still debating whether an electric radiator will be suitable for your house, we’re here to dispel any doubts.

Installing your electric wall mounted heaters on stud walls can be hard work, but we’re here to make it really simple by explaining it for you in baby-steps.

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Need an electric radiator that's childproof?

Electric radiators have countless applications in the home - from helping you to save money on your energy bills, to giving you more control and making you feel more comfortable, but did you know that some models have even more tricks up their sleeve? It isn't just homes that are upgrading to electric radiators - nurseries, care homes, village halls, and other public spaces also need energy efficient heating, and if safety is a concern we'll help you narrow down your choice considerably...

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