News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

Oil Filled vs. Oil Free Radiators: Which is Best for Your Home?

Making the right decision about your heating can be a tough process. There’s a plethora of factors that you will need to consider. What colour? What size? What features? This blogpost deals with the dilemma of choosing between oil-filled or oil-free radiators for your home, a tricky conundrum for most to tackle. But fear not, by the end of this post, you’ll know everything you need to know to make the right decision for your household.

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Economic Electric Heaters: Which One Is Best For You?

When looking for an electric heater that’ll save you money on your electricity bill, there’s a number of options to consider. Electric heaters (not to be confused with electric radiators) provide a fantastic way to heat your home. Whether you opt for slimline heaters, infrared heaters, or panel heaters, an electric heater will provide an economical way to warm any room in your house. It's a myth that they’re all expensive to run, and the variation between each type means there’s a diverse range of options for you to choose from. Today, we’re going to run through some of our most economical heaters so you can pick the best one for you.

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Panel heaters and where to use them

Panel heaters, also known as convection heaters, are a low-cost heating solution that can be wonderfully effective in the right circumstances. By looking at the initial prices of the products alone, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that electric panel heaters are the best budget heating method, especially as our cheapest electric panel heaters come in at less than half the price of our lowest cost electric radiators. However, it’s important to differentiate panel heaters from other electric heating methods as they have a much more specific purpose. Before you decide on your purchase, take a look at this quick guide on panel heaters and where to use them. 

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Storage Heaters vs Oil Filled Radiators

The storage heater has been a popular way to heat a home since the introduction of the economy 7 electricity tariff in the 1950s. But, has the popularity of these heaters diminished in the last 60 years and are other types of electric heating becoming more popular? One type of radiator that has become increasingly more popular in the 21st century is oil filled radiators. To see which heater would be better suited for your home, we’re going to look at the impact on your energy bill, prices and the installation of both storage heaters and oil filled radiators.

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Bathroom Radiators: Electric vs Central Heating

There has historically been one obvious concern when thinking about electric heating in bathrooms: the poor relationship between electricity and water. But, recently there has been a surge in demand for electric towel rails and when you compare electric towel rails to their (boring) central heating rivals it is obvious why. The independence that electric towel rails have from the single thermostat that you’ll have if your house is using central heating, means that you can turn on the towel rail to heat your towels or get the ideal temperature in your bathroom.

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Plug In Radiators: The Right Choice For Your Home?

Radiators are a universal feature of our homes and most of us couldn't imagine living without their comforting warmth. But what springs to mind when you think of a plug in radiator? An outdated, unattractive, expensive way of adding additional heat to your home? Think again! Modern plug in radiators could be that stylish, efficient, permanent heating solution you are looking for! 

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How To Wall Mount Your Electric Radiator

In the past, central heating radiators have dominated the heating market. Radiators themselves were invented by the Victorians and the basic technology behind them has not changed significantly since their first conception. Centrally heated radiators are reliant on a boiler which combusts gas, heats up your water supply, passes the heated water through your household pipes and heats the radiators via steam or hot water. Whilst this provides effective household heating, these radiators cannot be installed DIY – unless you happen to be a plumber! Installing central heating can be messy, time-consuming and expensive, as walls may need stripping back and floorboards lifting up to lay pipes and connect radiators. The fee attached will depend on the complexity of the installation, based on such factors as the age of the house and the nature of the pipe layout, but plumbers’ bills can run into the thousands. Luckily, there is a quicker and easier alternative for home heating: wall mounted electric radiators...

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Which electric radiator is right for me? – Personality Quiz

Our heating systems can say a lot about our personalities and way of life. You may prefer the orderly structure of a programmable system if you’re a creature of habit, or you might have a devil-may-care, spontaneous lifestyle better suited to an adaptable smart appliance. Electric heating systems will always be able to provide warmth to suit your own personal routine (or lack thereof), but if you’re unfamiliar with the types of heaters on offer, it’s not always easy to narrow down your choice. For those who need a little extra advice, all you need to do is take a quick look at our quiz to guide you to the perfect solution.

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What to Look for in a Room Heater

Where would we be without our trusty room heaters? Handy in a pinch when our central heating suddenly conks out and reliable as a zoned heater for everyday use. Room heaters come in all shapes and sizes but therein lies the problem – there’s a lot of different products out there which all claim to do the same job. ‘Room heating’ is quite a vague phrase and we all have different requirements for warming our home, so it’s to be expected that some heaters just won’t make the cut. So, what should you be looking out for when you come to buy a room heater?

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The History of Electric Heating

It’s easy to take heating for granted in the developed world. We rarely give it a second thought unless we have to go without it, and at times we can forget just how lucky we are to have our own dedicated source of home heating. Why not spare a thought for all the enterprising individuals throughout history who strove to provide us with these modern conveniences we would struggle to live without? In the 19th century, engineers and inventors were fascinated by electricity and could see that it had far reaching potential to change our lives for the better. One of the many applications they foresaw for electricity was to provide convenient and reliable heat for the home. It’s from these humble beginnings that modern electric heaters were conceived.

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