News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

What are the running costs of electric radiators?

It’s the age-old question surrounding electric radiators: “how much do they cost to run?” Though we’d love to offer exact figures, we’d need to be clairvoyants in order to do so. It’s a tricky question, as its answer varies so much from household to household. It’s impossible for us to offer a set figure, as there’s a lot of external variables to consider. The lack of concrete answers can be discouraging, but this is simply because any cost analysis needs to be tailored toward your own usage habits. Making your own basic running cost estimate couldn’t be simpler, but there are some things to be aware of before you start.

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Dealing with Damp in Bathrooms

Is an unsightly cloud of black spots manifesting itself around your bathroom windows or ceiling? Has your wallpaper begun to peel, wilting as though it has lost the will to live? It may be that brownish or yellowish stains are growing above your skirting board? If any of this this rings true, it seems that your bathroom has been invaded by damp. Fear not, whilst it may currently be winning the battle, it has not yet won the war...

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How Do Oil Filled Radiators Work?

The inner workings of our home appliances are a wonderful mystery that we never question, and as long as they do the job, why would we? It’s not as if you need an electrical diagram of your toaster in order to use it. However, the more curious of us might enjoy learning every last detail about our products. Electric oil-filled radiators are some of the most energy-efficient heaters out there but just how do they work? They might be self-explanatory for some but you’d be surprised at the misconceptions that still surround this form of heating appliance. That’s why we’re getting up close and personal with oil-filled radiators to reveal what makes them tick.

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Cheap Electric Radiators: Saving Money on Heating

I think it’s fair to say we all want to spend as little as possible on our utility bills. In the aftermath of the festive period, money is often at its tightest. On cold January evenings, the last thing you want to do is quibble over heating. Electric radiators, when used correctly, provide an opportunity for cheaper monthly bills. If you’re serious about saving, it’s time to ditch central heating, grab yourself an electric radiator, and follow our simple money-saving tips.

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10 Steps to Save Money on Electric Heating this Winter

Nothing kills Christmas like pondering the extent of your excesses. The price of all that food, drink, and tinsel (not to mention the presents) can push your finances over the edge when you start factoring in bills too. Around this time of year, the lingering cold forces us to rely on our heating more than ever – providing festive, yet costly, warmth. While nobody wants to be nicknamed Ebenezer this Christmas, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep your heating bills low. Energy suppliers will tell you to turn your thermostat down, relatives will say put a jumper on – at Electric Radiators Direct, we’ve decided it’s time for some solid, practical advice. Follow our ten steps for economical heating and start saving today…

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Economic Electric Heaters – A Comprehensive Guide

Looking for an economical electric heater can seem like an impossible quest at times because we’re all searching for that mythical one product that is all things to all people: the cheapest, the most economical, the best looking, the most versatile, and so on. If it was really so simple, we’d all be using the same heater by the same brand; so, as you can see, this kind of thinking can needlessly complicate the process of selection. The truth is the vast majority of modern electric heaters are exceptionally economical to run – especially considering the new energy efficiency regulations waiting to come into force in January – but it all depends on how and where they’re used. If you want a comparison on how economical our different types of electric heaters are, read on.

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Electric Radiators – Are They Any Good?

You asked the question so we’re here to answer it! In a world where cheap electric heaters are available for less than the price of a week’s grocery shopping, you’d be foolish not to wonder whether you can get away with going budget on your home heating. If you’ve never used electric radiators before, you may be wondering whether they’re worth the price tag. That’s where we’re here to help. In this blog we explain exactly what makes electric radiators special, demonstrating the multitude of ways their energy efficient designs will help to reduce your heating costs. We think you’ll agree they’re worth every penny… 

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The Fall of the Electric Storage Heater: Better Ways to Heat Your Home

Storage heaters have always been the black sheep of the electric heating family. Cumbersome, unsightly, and inherently inefficient, storage heaters are a product of the past: a time when electric radiators were in their infancy and several leagues away from the ultra-slim, ultra-efficient products on the market today. Despite the overwhelming number of alternatives available, storage heaters continue to thrive, with multiple brands and models in use today. If you own a storage heater, or were considering buying one under the promise of cheap daytime heating, it might be best to read on and consider some superior 21st century alternatives. 

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Haverland SmartWave Electric Radiator Review

Equipped with state-of-the-art self-learning programming and Wifi-compatible control, the Haverland SmartWave is one of the most advanced electric radiators on the market. But what is self-learning technology? Does it work? Is the radiator easy to use, or too clever for its own good? I made it my mission to find out...

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This Month’s Favourite: The Haverland SmartWave Electric Radiator

Haverland’s SmartWave electric radiator is a “clever” electric heater which truly embodies the company’s values and aims by combining efficiency, style and innovation to provide consumers with optimum heating capabilities and some of the most advanced technical functions that the industry has ever seen.

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