News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

IP Ratings: Choosing your Bathroom Heater

Our instinctive caution about the combination of electricity and water can be so deeply ingrained that many people dismiss electric bathroom heating outright. However, properly installed, a suitable electric heater can make a safe and practical bathroom heating solution – with many benefits over conventional piped heating systems. So what are IP ratings and why should they always be considered when purchasing electric heating for your bathroom?

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What Is The Economy 7 Tarriff? The Ultimate Guide

If you use storage heaters to heat your home, chances are you’re already on an Economy 7 tariff. This tariff is designed to make it more affordable to heat with electricity, and is intended to work in tandem with a night storage heating system. However, when used with other forms of electric heating, an Economy 7 tariff can inflate your heating bills unnecessarily. Here’s everything you need to know about Economy 7 – including how to get the most from your system if you’re on the tariff, and when you might want to look for another deal from your supplier. 

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Best Heating for Conservatories - Haverland RC12B Review

Conservatory heating is a contentious issue in the home improvement world. This is because conservatories lose heat much faster than properly insulated rooms, making them inefficient and expensive to heat. The Haverland RC12B Electric Radiator is ideal for efficiently heating conservatories - so we put it to the test to bring you a detailed review of our best selling conservatory heater. 

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How to Sell Electricity Back to The Grid

Renewable energy is on the rise. From expansive windfarms covering acres of countryside to solar panels on our neighbour’s roof, spotting a renewable energy installation is no hard task these days. But how can you sell the excess electricity you produce back to the grid?

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Home Wind Turbines: Are They Worth It?

Here in the UK, we are always being encouraged to be ‘greener’. Being green is no longer reserved for hippies or new age eco warriors; at long last, it’s cool to be concerned! When it comes to energy usage, could there be a better badge of honour than a shiny new wind turbine mounted onto the roof of our homes, whizzing around generating healthy, renewable energy for all the family to use? Well, depending on the location of your home and the money you’re willing to spend, there may be several better options. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering wind power for your home...

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Installing electric radiators: how hard is it?

One thing that often deters people from upgrading their home heating system is the disruption it can sometimes cause. Most homes these days have gas boilers and a centralised system which may be difficult to upgrade, whereas those who live in flats or homes powered by electricity might find it a little easier. Either way, installing electric radiators really isn't as difficult as you might think...

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From fluid filled radiators to dry thermal elements - which electric radiator is right for you?

Anyone who's shopped around for electric radiators knows that the market is full of various products to choose from. Some of these products might help cut down your energy bills, others might not be the best fit for your home or lifestyle. Electric radiators are booming, becoming the go-to energy efficient heating option of choice for homes and offices across the country - so how do you make sure you're choosing the right one? What's the difference between the various technologies and builds on offer?

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Towel Radiators: Dry Thermal or Thermal Fluid?

You can read pages and pages of articles dedicated to heated towel rails, however, the ‘technical’ details are often missed out. Last week we brought you an article on IP ratings – a tech spec that you’ll always spot in product description without necessarily understanding it’s function - but very few people actually know what they are. Today we are touching upon a similar subject that probably creates confusion amongst some of our customers: what is the difference between dry thermal heating technology and thermal fluid heating technology.

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How to Choose the Perfect Towel Rail?

Towels… One of those simple things in life we just can’t live without. Regardless of the time, place and season, no one likes to wrap themselves in a damp or cold towel. Stepping out of a steamy shower in the morning and feeling the warmth of your fluffy towel around you. Walking around the house proudly in a towel turban after a lengthy hair washing session. Towels are vital to your morning and evening routines and you want them to be warm and ready to be used, but that’s not where their job ends. They are that final touch of colour to your bathroom design scheme. Stylish snow-white towels for a fresh look, classy black towels to add some elegance, cute rainbow towels to show-off your fun side… the possibilities are endless!

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Electric Heaters Vs. Electric Radiators: Differences

Shopping for an alternative to your old central heating system can be tough, especially if you’re new to electric heating systems. At some point, you’ll come across offers such as ‘energy-efficient electric radiators from £199.99’. On the other hand, you’ll see websites advertising electric heaters for as little as £99. They may not be ‘energy efficient heaters’, but you can’t turn a blind eye to the fact, that they are available for almost half of the price of electric radiators. So, what’s the catch?

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