News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

The Benefits of Electric Heating for Flats

Electric heating has had a bad reputation in the past for being costly and ineffective, and unfortunately, it’s a misconception which has persisted even to this day. Many is the time a potential tenant will turn their nose up at a flat with a solely electric heat source, but this is often because they’re presented with old, antiquated appliances that are sorely in need of an update. Modern electric heaters couldn’t be more different – they’re streets ahead of gas in terms of efficiency, control, style and safety, which is why they are increasingly popular with property developers. You may not realise it, but electric heating could actually be a bonus when looking for a flat. Here’s why…

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Energy Efficiency Tips for Businesses

Energy efficiency isn’t just a household concern, it applies to businesses too. As testament to its importance, even large chain stores are beginning to examine their energy usage to try and cut back where they can. In 2022, Waitrose implemented some truly radical changes by installing air-source heat pumps to assist in lowering the heating and cooling load of its sites. It’s been an endeavour that required heavy investment from the supermarket chain but one that promises to save them a lot of money. Innovations like this show that any business can implement energy-saving measures, and while some might not be able to invest in expensive modification, there’s still plenty that can be done to keep costs as low as possible.

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Electric Radiators: The Benefits for Landlords

Choosing between gas and electric has always presented a quandary for landlords. This is truer now than it’s ever been, with savvy tenants increasingly listing the choice of heating system as a key consideration when browsing rental properties. Of course, tenant satisfaction often comes at an increase in expenditure, so it’s important to find a heating solution that strikes the right balance between quality and affordability. If you’re a landlord in a similar predicament, electric radiators may be just the solution you’re looking for!

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Dealing with Condensation in Your Conservatory

Last time, we looked at how to get the most out of your conservatory during winter and how best to keep it warm and cosy enough for use even during the colder months. In part two, we will be tackling condensation – the other main frustration of conservatory use during this time of year. This is a common problem in conservatories and you should never turn your back on it if it occurs persistently. Get control over your conservatory by understanding the causes of condensation and how you can reduce its occurrence.

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Getting the Most Out of Your Conservatory During Winter

Throughout winter, conservatories in the UK frequently become ‘no-go areas’ due to their high rate of heat loss, their doors often remaining sadly shut for the most part of the season. This is a great shame on a number of levels: not only have you spent a lot of money building this lovely additional room to your property, but you’re also missing out on a time when your garden can look particularly picturesque covered in snow and frost. The main barrier for enjoying your conservatory during winter is the difficulty in keeping it warm, but what can you do to improve its heat retention?

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Wall Mounted Electric Radiators and Where to Place Them

Radiator placement can be quite a controversial topic. As amusing as that might sound, it’s a topic that is more divisive that you may initially think and there are two distinct schools of thought that disagree on where radiators are best placed within the home. If you’re wondering where to install wall mounted electric radiators, it basically comes down to one question: is it best to place them under windows or not? Both sides of the argument are equally compelling but which should you listen to?

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How to work out the running cost of your heating

Understanding and working out your energy costs can be a complicated endeavour. For a truly accurate cost analysis, a whole slew of variables come into play such as the quality of your insulation, the location of your property, the power usage of your energy system and your supplier’s tariff rate. It’s easy to become lost in this labyrinthine maze of technical jargon while you conduct your research, but in most instances, the average person won’t need to go into this level of depth when making their calculations. If you want to know how to work out the running cost of your heating, we’ve made straightforward instructions that are simple to put into practise and could help you make a more informed purchase for your next appliance.

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Electric Radiator Reviews: What To Look For

You may already have a fairly good idea of what you’re looking for if you’re going to purchase an electric radiator. Knowing what size or wattage you need beforehand is usually the first step to making your decision so all that’s left is to narrow down your list of possibilities to the product which will tick most, if not all, your boxes. Here are some of the main aspects you should be taking into consideration – it may even help to write down a list of keywords that could help you in your search.

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Autumn and Health: Our Top Wellness Tips

Autumn is a wonderful transitional season where we start to see the back of summer and move towards cosy nights in, woolly jumpers and the glorious changing of the leaves. As the days get shorter and the temperature takes a dip, Autumn can start to affect our health in varying ways. Nobody likes getting sick but with a little bit of care, you’ll be able to dodge most of the pitfalls of the colder months.

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What is the best temperature for offices?

Should you realise life-long career aspirations in becoming the resident DJ of your office thermostat, be warned that one faces an uphill struggle selecting temperatures which win the hearts and minds of all your work colleagues. There appears no end in sight in this deeply divided ideological battle for the perfect office temperature.

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