News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

Heating a Loft Apartment With Infrared Heaters

Loft apartments are synonymous with contemporary aesthetics, spacious living and plenty of natural light. Serving as a modern alternative to the traditional studio flat, these abodes are fast becoming a firm favourite for tenants, homeowners and landlords alike. However, these spaces are often poorly insulated – so what’s the best way to keep them warm? We’ll be explaining why infrared heaters make the perfect solution for loft apartments, covering everything from their designer flare to their 100% efficiency. But first, let’s understand what infrared heaters are and how they work.

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Do electric radiators need childproofing?

Childproofing a gas radiator may involve fitting clunky guards that are both unsightly and affect the distribution of warmth, but electric heating does away with this hassle by being designed with safety in mind. With in-built features ready to go, you can rest easy knowing that childproofing your electric radiators involves no fuss or costly extras. Some of these safety features activate automatically whenever the radiator is running; others can be initiated with just a few taps of your smartphone or through the radiator directly. Safety is just one way electric is pioneering the heating industry, so let’s explore exactly how it manages this.

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Which Smart Electric Towel Rail Should I Choose?

Thirty years ago, towel rails were considered luxury items only found in the most elite hotels. Today, it’s almost unheard of for a home not to have one. Electric towel rails have seen a surge in popularity over the last decade, and it’s not hard to see why. They can be used for both their drying functions and to keep a space warm, but as we typically don’t spend as much time in our bathrooms, we tend to use towel rails differently than our other radiators. Heating bathrooms on an individual basis is one of the most efficient ways to save energy and keep bills down – making electric the perfect alternative. Smart electric towel rails go one step further in their functionality: by utilising smart technology they offer users a myriad of innovative and convenience-focused options that do even more to reduce costs and energy waste. So, let’s take a closer look.

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Are portable electric radiators safe?

Freestanding, flexible and DIY-friendly – it’s safe to say that portable electric radiators make a prime heating solution for those seeking versatility. From your conservatory to your spare bedroom, these heaters are ideal for spaces used on an infrequent basis. However, as is the case with any heating system, it’s only natural to question whether they’re safe or not, especially if there are small children in your household. With this in mind, we’ll be answering all your FAQs regarding the safety of portable electric radiators – but first, we must understand what these heaters are and how they work.

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Freestanding vs Wall Mounted Electric Radiators

Considering opting for an electric radiator, but not sure whether to choose a freestanding or wall mounted version? From the flexibility of a freestanding solution to the space-saving properties of a wall mounted choice, it’s safe to say that both options offer their own unique benefits. To help make your decision easier, we’ll be taking a closer look at both heating solutions, explaining what they are and what they could bring to your property. Before we compare the two installation types, let’s first explore why electric radiators are ideal for any home.

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Do electric heated towel rails have thermostats?

Electric towel rails are a beacon of warmth and luxury in bathrooms or kitchens, deftly taking the edge off chilly mornings and transforming towels into inviting cocoons of comfort. Although they all do a similar job, not all electric heated towel rails are the same, and they mainly differ in terms of their levels of control. We stock towel rails with simple on/off switches, for total functional simplicity, but also those with in-built thermostats that deliver advanced temperature management. We’re here to explore which type of control best suits your specific needs, and whether opting for an electric heated towel rail with thermostatic control is the way to go. Let’s jump in…

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Which Electric Radiators are the Quietest?

In theory, it’s a great idea to set your heating to turn on half an hour before you get up on a morning – but when you’re stirred awake early by the incessant clicking of the bedroom radiator, it’s hardly worth it. Central heating is notorious for the strange and persistent sounds it makes, whether from the water running through the pipes or the individual radiators themselves making loud clunking sounds. However, when it comes to electric, gone are the days of noisy heating. In fact, electric is one of the quietest systems on the market, mainly because it doesn’t rely on a larger network of pipes running through your entire property. But there’s more to it than that: we’re diving into the nitty gritty of what sounds are normal for electric radiators and the specific models we’d recommend for the quietest heating solution in your home.

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How to Stay Warm When Your Boiler Breaks Down

Your boiler’s just broken down – you’re cold and, chances are, miserable. You’ve rung the engineer, but we’re guessing you may be waiting a while. You might be kicking yourself for your lack of preparation. But fear not: there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself, your family, and your home warm in the meantime. While most of these won’t even cost you a dime, we’ve also shared some handy information on alternative heating solutions that run little risk of a full break-down, so you’ll never be left in the cold again.

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How to Heat Your Home Office in Winter

Working from home is an adjustment many of us have had to make over the last few years. Wherever you tend to get stuck into your daily tasks, be it at the makeshift office in the garden shed, or a custom-built loft conversion made for the job, assuring your work environment is comfortably warm is crucial for productivity. During winter, this is even more of a priority, with those chilly draughts becoming much more apparent once the weather turns. Winter-proofing your home office with electric heating is much simpler than you think - and we’re here to show you how.

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Which regions in England are spending the most on energy bills?

With home energy bills continuing to rise, we decided to investigate which regions in England have been spending the most on heating and energy historically compared to average winter temperatures, as well as trying to find out how this could correlate to energy efficiency ratings in England’s homes.

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