News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

What are the Different Types of Electric Heating?

Electric heating encompasses a range of products, from electric radiators, to infrared panels and they each have their own plus points. We’re looking at the many different types of electric heaters, outlining their advantages and disadvantages so that you can decide which one will be the most suitable for your property.

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Designer Electric Radiators: Why Manufacturing is so Important

Something you might not know about the designer electric radiators you see online is that most of them are central heating radiators converted to an electric solution. The manufacturer takes a central heating radiator – which is just an empty metal shell at this point – then fills it with oil and adds an element. Sounds simple, right? But there is a downside to this kind of setup. These products aren’t a true electric heating solution and won’t always offer the best performance. If you want to know why you should stick to electric-only room heating solutions, read on to find out more.

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The Benefits of Electric Radiators Explained

There are a number of reasons why electric radiators make such a great heating solution. They offer a range of benefits including convenient control, zoned heating and easy installation, but that’s not all they have to offer. We’re looking at the many benefits of electric radiators to find out exactly what makes them such an ideal solution for heating your home.

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Are All Electric Heaters the Same Efficiency?

Efficiency is key when it comes to electric heating and it can be achieved in a number of ways, whether it’s through the type of heating technology used or the programming and control options available. It’s one of the most important aspects of any heating appliance, but does that mean all electric heaters offer the same efficiency? It’s time to find out.  

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How Smart Electric Radiators Keep Heating Bills Low

Smart electric radiators help you save money by using a range of intelligent energy saving features, giving you more ways to trim down your heating bills than ever before. If you’ve been considering upgrading your electric radiators, now is a great time to join the smart revolution and enjoy all of the benefits a modern heating system has to offer. For anyone unfamiliar with smart electric radiators, we’re going to look at some of the best features they provide and how they can keep your running costs to a bare minimum.

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Can You Put a Panel Heater in a Bathroom?

Panel heaters are known for providing quick and effective warmth. They make for a great heating solution that you can rely on for a range of spaces, especially when it comes to temporary heating. However, they aren’t exactly the ideal choice when it comes to keeping your bathroom warm and we’re going to explain why.

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How to install a vertical electric radiator

Vertical electric radiators certainly look out of the ordinary but they aren’t actually all that different from their horizontal cousins. That’s even true when it comes to installing them. Fitting a vertical radiator is fairly simple process but there are some things to keep in mind before you get started. If you’ve just ordered your vertical electric radiator and are eager to get it up on the wall, this blog is going to point you in the right direction.

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Why You Need to Buy an Electric Heater with an Accurate Thermostat

When buying a new heater there are several things you might consider before making a purchase. Does it have smart control? What are the programming capabilities? Perhaps you’re even thinking about the efficiency an appliance has to offer. These are all very valid questions, but one thing you should also be considering is whether or not the heater comes with a precise thermostat. There are a number of reasons why one will benefit your heating system, which is why we’re going to show you exactly why you need to buy an electric heater with an accurate thermostat. 

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Do Electric Radiators Need Their Own Circuit?

If you’re fitting multiple electric radiators, you should ideally give them their own circuit to avoid overloading the mains of your property further down the line. This might be obvious to some who already have electrical knowledge or experience, but if you’re new to this type of heating, you might be wondering what fitting is best or even why you can’t just plug them in every room. In this article, we’re going to look at the benefits of going for a dedicated circuit, whether or not you can wire heaters into the ring main and why sometimes a plug-in fitting isn’t the best option.

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How Do Electric Heaters Work? A Crash Course

How many of us can say that they know exactly how the tech in our home works? The inner workings of our computers, smartphones and even our heating systems often remain a blissful mystery, and unless something goes wrong, we rarely have reason to look inside. But if you’re the curious type, you might be wondering ‘how do electric heaters actually work?’. Well, in short electric heaters work by using a length of resistive wire that heats up as electrons pass through the metal. It sounds complicated but, as we’re about to explain, it’s actually very simple.

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