News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

What are the benefits of vertical electric radiators?

Are you looking for an electric heating solution that perfectly balances look, function and efficiency? Vertical electric radiators have fast become one of the most sought-after electric heaters for homes due to the sheer number of boxes they tick. Sporting a long, slimline build, these radiators are not only suited to compact areas, they’re also a key part of your room’s design scheme. Instead of just a boxy necessity, your vertical electric radiator can add personality to your space, with innovative programming to boot. If you’d like to learn more, read on as we go in for a closer look at the benefits.

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Does Insulation Help with Heating Costs?

The cost of living in the UK is rising, in no small part due to soaring gas prices. Millions of homeowners across the country are looking for new ways to keep their heating bills down, and today we’re asking the question: can insulation do that? This begs another question – what part does electric heating play in helping with heating costs, and which method is more effective? Read on to find out.

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The Top Benefits of Patio Heaters

Keeping your outdoor space warm all year round can be a challenge, especially when the weather can be so unpredictable. With an electric patio heater, you can combat those colder days and stay warmer for longer in your favourite outdoor spot. We’ll be exploring the top benefits of patio heaters to see what it is that makes them such an ideal heating solution.

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Are electric radiators expensive to run?

As the boiler ban quickly approaches and gas prices continue to rise, a growing number of us are seeking low-carbon alternatives to gas central heating. Efficient, versatile and smart, it’s no wonder electric radiators are an ever-popular choice. However, when it comes to making the switch, it’s important to consider how much this heating solution is going to cost you – that’s where we come in. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about running costs, as well as explaining how electric radiators can help trim down energy bills. But before we get into it, let’s first understand how this heating system works.

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How do Designer Electric Radiators Work?

If you’re interested in upgrading your home’s heating system, you can’t go wrong with designer electric radiators. From their tradition-breaking finishes to their revolutionary inner-workings, the design and technology behind them really set designer radiators apart from the rest. If you want to know more, read on to learn all about how they work and what makes them such a fantastic choice for your home.

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Which city is the beer garden capital of the UK?

As we leave cold temperatures behind and the nation eagerly awaits the opportunity to enjoy a drink in the sunshine once again, we decided to find out which UK city is the top destination for outdoor drinking. To do so, we delved into the number of pubs with a beer garden in major UK cities and how they compared to population levels, as well as sourcing data on average spring temperatures, sunshine and rainfall levels in each region. With British weather being notoriously unpredictable, we also looked into how many pubs offered outdoor heaters to keep their guests warm if the weather turns.

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Which electric patio heater is right for you?

Whether you need a heater for your beer garden or gazebo, choosing a solution that best complements your space is key to keeping your exterior toasty. However, with such a vast array of electric patio heaters to choose from, you may be wondering where to start. That’s where we come in – this article explains the different types of products on the market, so you can put your best foot forward when it comes to purchasing your perfect patio heater. First, let’s understand what these heaters are and what makes them the best choice for outdoor heating.

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A Guide to the Different Types of Heat

If you’ve had a browse on our website before, you may have come across certain electric heating terminology that left you drawing blanks. Convection, conduction, and radiation are the three methods of heat transfer, and we sometimes refer to them to describe our products. But what exactly do they mean, and why do they matter? Hold off on digging out those old schoolbooks… we’re going to do this the easy way.

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How to Improve Your Heating Habits in Spring

After a cold, dark winter, the beginning of spring promises more sunshine and warmer homes. With less reliance on full home heating, “improving” our heating habits may seem redundant when we can just turn off our heating all together. But if the British weather has taught us anything, the changing of seasons does not a cosy home make! You’ll find behaviours practised during winter have unwittingly followed you into the year’s second quarter, keeping those energy bills alarmingly high. Switching to electric allows for greater control over your heating – with an emphasis on convenience and energy-saving features that allow you to break those bad habits and practise an eco-friendlier approach. Here’s how:

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What are the best electric patio heaters 2022?

If you live in the UK, you’ll be no stranger to unpredictable changes in weather. One minute, the sun will be shining and the thought of an impromptu garden party sounds appealing. Next minute, the biting chill has set in, and you quickly realise that an outdoor gathering just won’t do. The solution, however, is a simple one – invest in an effective electric patio heater that combats the cold. Providing robust radiant warmth, these heaters are a sure-fired way to keep your domestic or commercial exterior toasty, whatever the weather. We’ll be taking a look at the best patio heaters of 2022, to help you find an appliance that best suits your patio area.

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