News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

Has electricity improved our lives?

Jump in your time machine to travel back a few hundred years and you’ll encounter a world where electricity was non-existent in human society. Skip back to the present and it seems impossible to live without it. That’s quite a leap for a relatively short period in mankind’s history, and it shows just how far we’ve integrated electricity into the everyday running of modern society.

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5 easy hacks for super stylish conservatory interior design

Just had a new conservatory built and in need of some design inspiration? Or perhaps you're looking to update and refresh the décor of your existing conservatory? Whatever you're looking to do, we're here to give you some quick, easy and stylish interior design ideas, that are sure to make your conservatory the most beautiful room in the house.

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How to get planning permission for an extension

Do you have a home extension on your mind, but find yourself feeling confused by all the planning permission malarkey? Don't worry, we all are - but it's less hassle than you think when you break it down into nice easy steps, which is exactly what we've done!

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8 Common Myths About Efficiency Debunked

How do you, as a consumer, know what’s really efficient and what’s not? Looking at forums can be a good place to start – as a general rule, the most reliable source of information on household products are people who a) have actually used them and b) are not paid to endorse them! However, forums can also be a rich breeding ground for myths and misconceptions. To set the record straight and arm you with the knowledge you need to make an informed choice when you shop, we decided to investigate 8 of the most common myths about energy efficiency.

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Living without mains gas: is it economical?

When you start looking for properties in remote locations, you’ll quickly notice one thing: the more remote the location, the less likely it is that your dream home will be connected to mains gas. But how much of a problem is this? And should it stop you from making that dream move?

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How to hide an electric radiator

Central heating radiators have played an iconic part in some of this century’s most memorable interior design trends. Unfortunately, it can be a little more difficult to customise electric radiators. They can’t be painted because paint can leak into the wiring; they can’t be covered because the thermostat won’t work properly. However, there are still plenty of ways to help your electric radiator blend into your interior design - check out our top five tips.

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Haverland RC Wave Electric Radiator Review

If we’ve got one radiator which best epitomises the elegance of electric heating, it might just be the Haverland RC Wave. There’s a reason why it’s our bestselling product. Elegant but affordable, lightweight yet sturdy, this stylish electric radiator kicks out heat quickly and efficiently, with its powerful heating capacity kept in check by a high precision thermostat and hour-by-hour digital programming. So what you’re probably all wanting to know is – does it live up to the hype? 

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Chrome towel rails: a good choice for your bathroom?

Can't decide between white or chrome for your bathroom fittings? The benefits of each are widely debated across construction forums, interior design brochures and DIY blogs, so we thought it was high time we joined in the debate, bringing you the lowdown on what exactly chrome is, and the advantages and disadvantages it offers when used for your bathroom heating fixtures.

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How to replace storage heaters with wall mounted electric radiators

Every day we speak to customers who want to replace outdated storage heaters but aren’t sure where to begin. Electric radiators can provide an economical and eye-catching alternative, but just how easy is it to make the transition? We’ve set out to answer all your questions in this definitive guide: everything from disconnecting your heaters to disposing of the bricks, from changing your meter to hanging your new wall mounted radiators.

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Solar thermal: Is our favourite renewable energy under threat?

One of the easiest ways to harness a little of the energy from the sun is through the simple technology of solar thermal. Heating things with the energy of the sun is nothing new, even here in the UK. But what's the difference between solar thermal and solar PV? And why could our favorite renewable be under threat? 

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